
Insa and Valentine's Day for Singles!!!

You know I gotta have the grey one!!!

Absolute perfect mentality. Looking for love in all the wrong places. Go pick one up at INSA.

Cops are funny

DHS doing it's best during the Bush Administration. Good job guys.

"Sweet Coraline, bu bu bum,...."

Check these out!

So only a hundred of these hand made kicks are available. They were designed the the guys doing the new film "Coraline". If they win your heart jump over HERE to snatch up that glow in the dark sole.


Come on,....

Listen, this is all I can say about this car. Can whoever is doing
this please beat the shit out of it until it is totalled next time.
This pussy ass break the window steal my change and kick my tail light
out for fun is getting old. Just destroy it or if you see someone
attack my car, help them finish it off. Damn I am done with January.


Very unhappy

I could get really emo and complain that I am sick, work has cut backhours, car is still not fixed from the first accident, still single, (last one not much of a complaint), and now some dumb mutherfu€ker broke into my car last night to only still the change out of it. Granted it was a crown royal bag full of coin (~$250) but u left the blackberry, the pradas, and my CDs!? Crackhead!

New Obama Limo?

This sparkling new Limo was traveling west on H st at 10 am on
Wednesday morning. It was empty but had a ton of protection
surrounding it. Maybe this is the new V for O.

Cover it, Protect it, with steez

What sucks about finding out about these is I just drop the money and bought a new case for my iPhone 3G. Good thing they offer artwork on gelaskins for all my other toys. With all the sick designs, I wish I had more than one phone to sport.

Colab DC stores x OBAMA

These shirts will be available next week for the big event. If you would like one of these you should go check out the guys at Stussy and Commonwealth in DC. Good Luck!!!

Interesting way to protect the Laptop

The guys over at iamhumannow.com have come up with some very innovative and beautiful designs to help protect you precious laptop. You can even have a custom design done for you fleet of geeky-porn-carriers.

I was first introduced to these by killahbeez.com